We all get anxious sometimes—it’s part of being human! Whether it’s about school, work, friends, family, the future…our all of the above! Anxiety can make us feel stuck in our head, but there are some things you can do to feel more in control when our brains won’t chill out. Check out these realistic tips that might actually help!
1. Breathe—Seriously, It Helps!
Okay, breathing might sound cliché, but when anxiety hits, it’s easy to forget how important it is to slow down and take a beat. Will breathing solve the panic about two tests tomorrow?…honestly probably not. However, it will allow for you to take a step back and reset and re-regulate your nervous system.
- Try this: inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and exhale for 4 seconds. Do this a few times and notice if it allows you to feel less tense. It's a quick way to trick your brain into relaxing, even if it's just a little.
2. Get on a Routine (Yeah, We Know it Sounds Boring, But Stick with Me)
I know…you hear this all the time, but having a regular routine can really help. If you are staying up all night scrolling social or skipping meals, your body is all out of rhythm. Getting enough sleep, eating regularly, and moving a bit can help in managing your anxiety. Trust me—it doesn’t have to be 7 out of 7 days a week, but just consistent enough.
3. Learn to Challenge Negative Thoughts
Anxiety feasts on uncertainty and negative thoughts. For example "I am going to mess up" or "Everyone’s going to hate me." Next time this happens, stop and ask yourself, "Is this 100% true? What data do I have to back this up?" or "What is the worst that could actually happen if…?" Most of the time, our brain is catastrophizing situations. Labeling the thought as a thought and calling it out can help separate us from that internal voice and dial down the anxiety a smidge.
4. Limit Your Social Media Time (Ugh! The worst! It’s Basically Impossible!)
Unfortunately no matter which way we look at it parents/teachers/caregivers and me have a point! Social media can seriously take a toll on us. If you are feeling anxious, angry, jealous, frustrated, and/or less than after scrolling through Insta or TikTok, try taking a break. Even if it's just for a few hours…a day…two days. Reducing the intake can stop the constant compare and despair cycle and give your mind some time to be in the present.
5. Talk to Someone (For Real, It Helps and not just because I’m a therapist!)
Keeping everything bottled up only leads to heightened anxiety. Think of it like this, keeping your feelings inside is like trying to hold a beach ball underwater. The more you push it down the harder it is to keep it submerged under water and the harder it then bounces back up when it finally slips out. Find someone you trust—a friend, parent, guidance counselor or a therapist—and just talk. You certainly do not have to have it all figured out, but getting it off your chest can make a big difference. You are not alone…even if it feels that way sometimes.
Anxiety really can get in the way of what we want and who we want to be…remember you are not powerless in all of this. Give a few of these skills a try and see what works and what doesn’t work for you.
Ps. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help, there are people that want to hear from you and help. You’ve got this!